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Ecommerce Ads: The Tools to Unlock Growth

“Meet me in the mall, it’s going down.”
– Young Joc

Ecommerce Ads: When + Why

In the last decade, rising costs for ecommerce advertising have lifted CAC almost universally – across categories, industries, and geographies. It’s often unpleasant for ecommerce newcomers realizing their early CAC math may no longer hold.

When starting ecommerce ads, or revamping or recalibrating a current strategy, it’s important to understand both when and why CAC rises (and, done well, falls).

As an innovative ecommerce media agency, our practice anticipates planning and buying changes throughout the lifespan of ecommerce brands, and the lifetime value of the customers we bring in. Consumers expect both convenience and novelty in how and where they shop. Ads must surprise and delight – and, of course, deliver on the goods. Agile retailers can’t let ecommerce advertising strategy go stale. In ecommerce ads and retail customer acquisition, equal importance should be placed on optimization as much as brand launch strategy. Those that do so will thrive.

Eclectic in scope and impressive in scale, our work has informed ecommerce and retail marketing strategies for brands large and small. What’s more, our ecommerce media buying reflects the fluid and symbiotic relationship between digital and brick-and-mortar.

Brands must commit to testing and learning to evolve at the pace of the consumer in an omnichannel world. Read on to learn more.

Retail Experience

Our empirically-backed ecommerce media planning and buying come tested by long-term relationships with leading ecommerce and retail businesses.

Some of our retail and ecommerce media planning experience includes:

Ecommerce Advertising Perspective

Our retail and ecommerce advertising services are comprehensive. We address marketing challenges across the full omnichannel retail ecosystem, including, but not limited to:

  • 1st and 3rd party data strategy
  • Attribution analytics
  • Affiliate strategy
  • Emerging platforms
  • Cross-border trade
  • Regulated retail markets – such as COPPA-regulated target markets

Above all, we understand that the face of ecommerce is constantly changing, and so too should customer acquisition strategies. Like our clients, we evolve.

360° Ecom Strategy

  • Competitive planning
  • Media buy auditing
  • New market analysis

Planning for Paid Media

  • Ecommerce Strategy Planning
  • Growth/Acquisition
  • Feed-based pipeline planning
  • Agile retail media planning

Ecommerce Ads Optimization

  • Ecommerce ads + auditing
  • Programmatic strategy
  • Affiliate management
  • Channel optimization
