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What is an IO (Insertion Order)?

An insertion order is a document used in the world of advertising to specify the details of an ad campaign. It outlines the terms and conditions agreed upon by both the advertiser and the publisher. Insertion orders provide information about the dates the campaign will run, the type of ad format to be used, the placement of the ad on the publisher’s platform, and the agreed-upon cost of the campaign.

Insertion orders help advertisers and chief marketing officers keep track of their campaigns by providing a clear and concise document that outlines the specifics of the campaign. It helps to ensure that everyone involved in the campaign is on the same page and that there is a mutual understanding of what is expected of each party. It also serves as a legal agreement between the advertiser and the publisher, outlining the terms and conditions of the campaign.

Insertion orders are important because they ensure that the campaign runs smoothly and that everyone involved is clear on what is expected. They also serve as a record of the campaign that can be used for future reference. By keeping track of their insertion orders, advertisers and chief marketing officers can analyze the success of their campaigns and make informed decisions about future advertising efforts.

Overall, insertion orders are a critical component of the advertising process, as they provide a clear and concise document that outlines the details of an advertising campaign. They help to ensure that the campaign runs smoothly and that all parties involved are on the same page, which can ultimately lead to a more successful advertising effort.

Why do marketers use “insertion orders”?

Marketers use insertion orders as a way to formalize and document their advertising agreements with publishers or media companies. An insertion order serves as a contract that specifies the details of an ad campaign, including the type of ad, the ad placement, the dates it will run, the pricing and payment terms, and any other specific requirements or restrictions.

Using insertion orders helps ensure that both parties are on the same page and have a clear understanding of what is expected. By having a written agreement in place, marketers can be confident that their ads will be placed as requested and that they will be billed accurately. Publishers benefit from having clear instructions on what is expected and can use the insertion order to ensure that the ad runs smoothly.

In addition, insertion orders provide a record of the advertising campaign that can be used for future reference. If any issues arise or disputes occur, the insertion order can be consulted to determine what was originally agreed upon.

Overall, insertion orders are an important tool for marketers to use to ensure that their advertising campaigns are executed correctly and to provide a clear record of their agreements with publishers or media companies.

What belongs in an insertion order template?

An insertion order template typically includes the following information:

  1. Advertiser information: This includes the name and contact information of the advertiser, such as their name, email address, phone number, and billing address.
  2. Campaign details: This section should provide details about the ad campaign, including the start and end dates, the budget for the campaign, the target audience, and any specific targeting criteria.
  3. Creative specifications: This section outlines the specifics of the creative assets that the advertiser will provide to the publisher. This includes details such as the type of ad format (e.g. display, video, mobile), ad size, file format, and any other relevant details.
  4. Placement information: This section includes the details of where the ad will be placed, such as the website or app name, the specific page or section of the site, and any other relevant information about the placement.
  5. Ad delivery and reporting requirements: This section outlines the requirements for ad delivery and reporting. This includes details such as the expected delivery date for the creative assets, the expected start date for the campaign, and any reporting requirements such as performance metrics, tracking URLs, or conversion tracking.
  6. Payment terms: This section outlines the payment terms for the ad campaign, including the payment method, payment schedule, and any other relevant details.

Insertion orders may vary in their level of detail and complexity depending on the needs of the advertiser and publisher. However, including these elements can help ensure that both parties are on the same page and that the campaign runs smoothly.